New-Fit-Land Fitness

New-Fit-Land Fitness
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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Why should you be active??? When you can lazy?? Here's why...


The point of physical activity is not to be a fitness model or go to the extremes, although you can.
The point if it all is to be HEALTHY, HEALTHY, HEALTHY!!!  To be able to walk a flight of stairs and not get winded, to keep up with your kids, to be heart healthy etc.  Below is a list of the benefits associated with being ACTIVE.

1.  Reduces the risk of premature death (active people live longer, with a better quality of life).
2.  Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease (strengthens the heart, cardiovascular system, and respiratory system to help fight cardiovascular disease).
3.  Decreases resting heart rate (reduces the daily wear and tear on the cardiovascular system).
4.  Keeps resting blood pressure normal (lessens the stress on the walls of the veins and arteries in teh vascular system and reduces the risk of stroke or other coronary event).
5.  Improves heart efficiency (improves the ability to perform daily activites at higher intensities with greater ease).
6.  Decreases body fat (reduces the risk of major life-threatening deseases, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes).
7.  Increases HDL (good) cholesterol and decreases LDL (bad) cholesterol (reduces the risk of the hardening of the arteries).
8.  Lowers the risk of developing diabetes (keeps the body fat in control, increases cellular sensitivity to insulin, and helps regulate blood sugar levels).
9. Promotes joint stability (increases strength of all connective tissue, decreasing susceptibility to injury).
10. Increases muscular strength (perform dailty activities with less effort). 
11.  Strengthens bones (reduce the risk of osteoporosis, injury and broken bones).
12.  Increases muscle mass and decreases body fat (improves physique with a more toned appearence, and the body burns more calories at rest as well as during exercise to sustain increased muscle - since muscle tissue is an active tissue).
13.  Increases resting metabolism (many calories are required by the body at rest, which helps with weight management).
14.  Improves core strength (develops strong abdominals and back muscles for better posture and less chance of back pain).
15.  Improves balance, coordination and agility (all movements in daily life become easier and safer when the body has better control).
16.  Improves body image and self-esteem (exercisers experience improved mental health and self-image).
17.  Reduces depression and anxiety (an improved outlook on life makes all activites more enjoyable).
18.  Assists in stress management (everyday life becomes more enjoyable because the person has a positive way to dealith stress).

After reading all of this?  Why are you still sitting on the couch???  Get up and get active!  You only get one bdoy and one life...why not have the best one you possibly can??


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