I will be starting a Boot Camp in Hopedale later in the Spring, or as soon as the weather is warm enough to be outdoors exercising. I'm very excited, because I am also starting my Personal Trainer certification in the next couple of weeks. I'm also taking a photography course too and plan on using fitness as some of my work :)
I am back in Hopedale now and working out, it's an adjustment because there are no fitness centers and no access to gym equipment. However, as we all know, you don't NEED equipment to workout, I've been using resistance bands and my own body weight with some hand weights and it has been quite the workout I must admit. Lots of holds, planks, mountain climbers, burpees, push-ups, crunches, etc...
There are SO many things you can do with just your body to give you a great workout and I'm excited to share all of that in the Boot Camp.
I also will be opening up a line of New-Fit-Land Fitness products for anyone enrolled in my Boot Camp's or who are clients of mine. Obviously it will take a while for this to grow into a business but I'm so looking forward to the next 1.5 years in Hopedale making that a reality.
Thanks for all the support, I look forward to working with some of you!
Commit to be fit, your life is all you have...take care of it!
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